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Sunday 27 March 2011



Imagine the feeling of transforming from a normal student to an international diplomat in a split second? Sounds weird eh? Then you surely need to attend Model United Nations my friend.
It was my first MUN and to describe it in one word- fantabulous!!
It was a 3-day conference where actually I understood the somberness of the term ‘CONFERENCE’. Though I admit that the initial excitement was due to the dress code-FORMALS!!... It sounds simple but believe me finding formals for a supposedly international conference was not a child’s play…and with my roommate it was like ‘pleasing the devil’! ;)
I bought a trouser which still lingers on my pocket and after the miraculous discovery of my roomy’s formals we were all set for holding the clout as delegates of Brazil and Namibia respectively.
And the much awaited day arrived i.e. 4th march. We were still conscious of our clothes and feeling a little underdressed as the other college folks were breathtaking. Well that’s a common girls problem I guess, we are never satisfied when it comes to dressing!! It’s like finding a suitable match, always available but never PERFECT! :D
Anyways I’ll not sway away from the topic…so once the preliminary formalities of registering and collecting the delegate cards were over, we reached our final destination, room no-702, biotech block: the venue for our conference hall.
Whirling wind, spinning steroid and turning time was all that, that happened as we entered the room and here we were-the official, abstemious, earnest representatives of our countries respectively who had to carry the weight of their countries foreign policies all the time!!
We were allotted the UNHRC (human rights council) and our agendas were:
A. Integration of the Human Rights of women and the gender perspective: violence against women with special focus on the protection of the rights of women during armed conflict. 
B. Arbitrary arrests, Extrajudicial Punishments and Enforced Disappearances. 
Grave topics indeed! Our 1st day session started with the roll call where the exact words from a delegate’s mouth should be ‘Delegate of XYZ country, present and voting/ present’. Present gives you the advantage of abstaining from voting later. India chooses just ‘present’ most of the time. Then the first agenda was taken up and the delegates of over 20 countries started debating on the sub-topics by raising motion for it. Here again the motion can be raised by saying ‘the delegate of XYZ country would like to raise the motion for a moderated/ unmoderated caucus for p minutes with each individual speaker time being q seconds’. Like it or not you have to dig in the details ‘Dear Diplomat’. Yeah I know the jargons can really give you a tough time but as soon as you start feeling comfortable with them you’ll experience the mammoth power that rests with you. It’s an indescribable feeling. It’s a charge of emotion in which the power of changing the world rests with you! Well not to go into the details, the subsequent discussion was informative and the research that we did on our respective countries was an eye opener on the endangered species-women!! The most striking points were that women till now dint even have the right to vote in Saudi Arabia and in Iran the women are still being stoned and strangulated. It made us all realize that the world we live in is no less than hell and we the future generation has a great responsibility on our shoulder to make this a better place to live in.
The 3 day conference passed in a whoosh and there we were left with the influential and potent memories of our college’s first mind blowing-MUN! J